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Ranger Hall lays rumors to rest

The recent internal and external changes made to Ranger Hall have brought the building into the modern world, but in the wake of its completion there have been numerous misconceptions and rumors. As a new state-of-the-art facility, Ranger Hall features many changes, including new equipment, technology and resources for all Harrington School of Communication and…

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URI professor placed on ‘watch list’ for comments against NRA

One hundred and forty-six professors and counting have been placed on a national “watch list” over the past month for expressing liberal ideals, and the University of Rhode Island is represented among those numbers. The Professor Watchlist featured Assistant Professor and Acting Director of Graduate Studies Erik Loomis for making negative comments against the National…

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Student Senate report: 12/7

The Student Senate began its final meeting of the fall semester by approving the allocation of $1,667.50 to go the Student Entertainment Committee. The funding comes in the form of a travel and lodging contingency grant to help send three SEC members to the National Association of Campus Activities National Convention, in Baltimore, Maryland. The…

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URI restricts students’ free speech according to FIRE report

According to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), the University of Rhode Island has policies in its student handbook that restrict free speech. In an email sent to select students across 111 different public universities across the country, the organization “delivered a warning to public colleges and universities with highly restrictive speech codes:…

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