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Senate Report: 10/27

In preparation for finals, the Academic Committee’s proposal that the Robert L. Carothers Library should extend their hours beginning two weeks prior to and during exams was approved at the Student Senate meeting.  It was noted that the current library hours are inconsistent, but the library will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 2 a.m.,…

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News you should know

Local: The Warwick school committee, after a few public hearings, voted on Tuesday to consolidate the city’s elementary schools by closing two and repurposing another. John Wickes Elementary and Randall Holden Elementary will be be closed, and John Brown Francis Elementary will become an early childcare facility. Current fifth graders at these schools will move…

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On-campus church offers home-cooked meals, welcomes all lifestyles

St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church on Lower College Road held their second “Feed a Friend” event of the year Tuesday night, which invited students to enjoy a home-cooked meal with absolutely no-strings-attached. Archdeacon Janice Grinnell, who joined St. Augustine’s in 2012, is always looking for ways to get involved with the student community and established the…

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