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News you should know

LOCAL: A teacher at St. Mary’s Bay View Academy, Lee Mogavero, 46, of 9 Paquin Drive in Barrington, was charged with two counts of second degree sexual assault at a pizza restaurant he owns in Cranston. According to the Providence Journal, Special Victims Unit detectives in the Cranston Police Department received two separate complaints Tuesday…

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URI grads think big in real world

The University of Rhode Island proves time and again that the education it provides paves the way for a successful future for its alumni. Many of URI’s graduates have gone in successful directions with the degrees they received. On a global scale, Christiane Amanpour, CNN’s chief international correspondent and anchor of a nightly foreign exchange…

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Student Senate Report: 11/4

  Last night’s Student Senate meeting began with the finance committee’s discussion of a grant for the Musician’s Guild. Currently, the Musician’s Guild holds free concerts on campus with local bands. However, the organization wishes to grow and acquire bands outside the local spectrum for future concerts and this is where funding comes into play….

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