WATCH: Cigar Newscast 10/20
Marissa Tansino and the Cigar news team bring you this week’s headlines.
Marissa Tansino and the Cigar news team bring you this week’s headlines.
Starting in fall of 2017, students in the University of Rhode Island College of Nursing will be required to travel to Providence at least once a week for classes at the brand new Rhode Island Nursing Education Center. The $25 million, 133,000 square foot building occupies a renovated power station downtown through a partnership with…
On Thursday, Oct. 13 at 2:18 p.m., a report was filed for suspicious activity on the Quad. On Friday, Oct. 14 at 8:20 p.m., university police were notified of suspicious activity in Eddy Residence Hall, on Complex Road; a report was filed. On Friday, Oct. 14 at 10:33 p.m., a report was filed for suspicious…
The names of students and staff interviewed have been changed to protect their anonymity.* The decriminalization of marijuana went into effect on April 1, 2013, in Rhode Island, but there is still a stigma surrounding the use of marijuana for both medical and recreational purposes. Although marijuana has been decriminalized in Rhode Island, that does…
The Student Senate started its Wednesday meeting with Finance Chairman Ryan Buck introducing a finance bill which recognized a category transfer of $5,000 from “Convention and Registration” to “Travel and Lodging” for the Alpine Racing Team. Chairman Buck noted that these types of transfers happen regularly at this time of year to accommodate for different…
Since Hillside Residence Hall was built at the University of Rhode Island in 2012, rumors have spread around campus regarding a faulty structure and a sinkhole, but Housing and Residential Life finally put these assumptions to an end. Hillside Hall is home to 600 first-year students and includes several living-learning communities including the Harrington School,…
While many classes at the University of Rhode Island require students to purchase a textbook, only a select few of those are written by the professors actually teaching the course. Whether or not it’s morally correct for professors to profit from both teaching at the university and requiring their own textbooks, however, is debated by…
Local: According to the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, many of the state’s dams are unsafe and could pose a large risk if they fail as a result of storms or other adverse conditions. Ninety-six of Rhode Island’s dams have been given a rating of “high hazard,” and 81 others are rated a “significant…
This summer, the RAM Gift Shop located in the basement of the Memorial Union was replaced by an expanding RAM Tech store. The space usually full of University of Rhode Island merchandise is now home to RAM Care and other services that RAM Tech provides. “We didn’t really close it,” Paul Whitney, Director of URI…
The University of Rhode Island’s Dining Services has incorporated various changes and procedures in the dining halls in order to conserve product, minimize waste, and keep its customers happy. Students around campus have noticed that some of the stations in Hope Commons have closed earlier than their designated times. This is due to the addition…