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Student senate report: 9/29

Student Senate’s Student Organization Advisory and Review Committee Chairwoman Samantha King introduced Bill SS16/17-13, which recognized men’s club soccer. King yielded some time to the club’s representatives, who talked about the club’s integrity to be an option as a competitive group for those who couldn’t fully commit to soccer at the varsity level. They practice…

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News you should know

Local The Providence Police Department received a federal grant of $375,000 to purchase body cameras to equip their officers. The grant comes from the Department of Justice’s Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program. As a result of the grant, the department will be able to purchase 250 new body cameras. According to the Rhode Island…

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Student Senate report: 9/21

Student Senate began its meeting with Finance Chair Ryan Buck, who noted the financial request from the Muslim Student Association for their Annual Eid Banquet. The banquet will feature a chaplain from Yale University to speak at the dinner. The External Affairs Committee announced that the Narragansett Cleanup will be taking place on Oct. 8…

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