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Student Senate report 10/21

  Student Senate focused last week’s meeting on finishing the freshman campus senate elections. After the elections had taken place, freshman representative candidates Will Kramer and Sam Lawrence were disqualified for having campaign materials within 50 feet of the Memorial Union. Kramer received the most votes of the election with 98 votes, while Sam Lawrence…

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News you should know

  Local According to Providence officials, the City Council is introducing an even more restrictive ban of cigarette use in public. Just this year, Council President Michael Solomon and Majority Leader Seth Yurdin have implemented a strict no-tolerance policy for the handling and sale of cigarettes in all parks, playgrounds, and recreation areas in Providence….

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VIDEO: Students take action to provide health care to communities

A newly recognized organization at the University of Rhode Island is giving students the opportunity to give back to the community. Volunteers Around the World is a nation-wide organization that works to bring healthcare and health education to impoverished communities. “It make me feel really, I don’t want to sound cliche, but really happy just to…

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Student senate report: 10/14

Student Senate began its meeting Wednesday night by introducing the newly elected senators for the coming term. Before Senate could start cheering over their aversion of the election crisis, they had to discuss the two disqualifications and one tie. The two disqualifications were the result of two individuals running for freshman representative who had campaign…

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News you should know

International: Two bombings killed 97 people on Friday in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, during a peace rally. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that ISIS is the chief suspect in the investigation into the bombings. ISIS has not claimed responsibility for the bombings, other suspected groups include the Kurdish PKK and the DHKP-C. Jiang Jiemin, the former…

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