‘Shark Guy’ reels in experiential education

Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Brad Wetherbee, recently deemed “URI’s Shark Guy” in the University of Rhode Island’s magazine, provides opportunities for shark field research to over 100 students annually, according to him.  Wetherbee emphasized the importance of hands-on learning for students in order to gain skills and experience. In his particular field, this looks…

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ESTEEMED program provides research opportunities in biosciences, bioengineering

Associate professor of chemical engineering Samantha Meenach was awarded a $1.4 million grant from the National Institute of Health to form the Enhancing Science, Technology, EnginEering, and Math Educational Diversity program (ESTEEMED).  This program will push students with disadvantaged backgrounds into the field of research in various bioengineering and bioscience research disciplines at the University…

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