My sophomore year my mom told me that I needed to get involved in a club, so I randomly decided to attend a meeting on a Monday night for the school newspaper. If you had told me two years ago that I would be writing a goodbye letter, I would not have believed you. I have never been more thankful that my mom told me to join a club, and that I chose The Good Five Cent Cigar.
I fell into the role of social media coordinator after attending only that one singular meeting. Transforming the Cigar’s social media has been extremely rewarding. There has been no better feeling than giving the writers a platform to display their hard work that deserves more recognition than it is given. This school newspaper over time became so much more than just a resume builder to me.
When I attended my first production meeting, I was very nervous. I did not know anyone in the Cigar and had no clue how it worked; I was afraid I was going to be an outsider. However, less than a month later, the Cigar’s very best took me under their wing.
Liz Fusco and Maddie Bataille, the two of you will forever remain as the best dynamic duo this school newspaper has and will ever see. Thank you for helping me come out of my shell.
Ronan Himelrick, our weekly catch ups in the Ranger Hall living room were always the perfect break in between classes. I miss them.
Juliana Lepore, thank you for being patient with me when I first moved into this role. You were the best “boss” that turned into a great friend. It’s easy to say that I would not have survived my second semester sophomore year and first semester junior year without our weekly sorority and boy gossip sessions. In my mind you will always be the girl who “does it all” and an inspiration.
To the past and current executive board members whom I have worked with: Lucas Masiello, Casey Chan-Smutko, Alexa Potamianos , Molly Cronin, Marcy Kelly, Nils Fimmers, Maia Hembruff, Zack Petrick, Ryan Pelillo, Owen Tierney, Halle Stolzenberg and Sully Cummins: thank you for your hardwork and dedication to the Cigar. Without all of you I would have had nothing to post.
Ellie Sennhenn, you will always be one of my favorites. Thank you for making your way back to the Cigar. The Memorial Union Room 125 needs your presence because it lights up every room you are in. I will miss randomly texting you because you’re the only person who will match my emoji energy.
Nathan Robillard and Aidan Cahill, being on four e-boards with the two of you has been such a privilege; we’re no longer the “babies” anymore. Nathan, I will also text you for hiking recommendations, because a mountain hates to see you coming. Aidan, thank you for all of the music recommendations, they never go unnoticed.
Lauren Drapeau, I am so impressed by your hardwork and dedication to the Cigar. It has been wonderful seeing your journey from entertainment editor to editor-in-chief and the impact you have made at the Cigar. Thank you for being such a special person and having such a kind soul. In some of my hardest times as a college student you were always there for me and so understanding, and that is something I will truly never forget.
Last but not least, to all of the followers of @rhodycigar – thank you for being part of my journey as social media coordinator. Your engagement through your likes and comments has made every post worth it.
I may be leaving the Cigar, but my digital footprint here will last forever. The future of the Cigar is bright, and I can’t wait to see where it goes next. Until then, remember: the story of URI is still being written, and it’s in your hands.