Andrew Main

I am passionate about writing for the Cigar because I enjoy informing others about what is going on in the URI community. It is often said that education is one of the most powerful tools an individual can have. Through writing for the Cigar, I aim to help educate the community about what is going on and why it is important so that people can be as educated as possible about newsworthy events on campus. I ran for the news editor position because I want to help make the Cigar as successful as possible by not just writing articles but by helping other reporters capitalize on their strengths as well.

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News You Should Know

Puerto Rico is still in a state of devastation more than three weeks after Hurricane Maria hit the island. Much of the island is still without electricity or cellular service, and only 63 percent of the island has access to clean drinking water. As a result, residents are becoming increasingly desperate. Some are resorting to…

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News You Should Know: 10/12

Wildfires in California have produced devastating effects in the northern part of the state. Eleven people have been confirmed dead, and an estimated 100,000 acres have been burned, along with 1,500 homes and buildings. Governor Jerry Brown declared a state of emergency Monday.    Due to strong winds that helped fuel the flames, much of the…

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Setting FIRE to URI Free Speech

Student works to change handbook policies that ‘encroach upon First Amendment protections’ Every two years at the university of Rhode Island, the student handbook can be revised and edited. One of the standards set forth in the student handbook is what exactly is permitted under the protection of freedom of speech on campus. This year,…

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News You Should Know: 9/28

President Trump took the nation by storm on Friday, calling National Football League players who kneel during the National Anthem “sons of bitches,” and called for owners to fire the players who protested. Trump then followed his speech with a tweet Saturday morning, rescinding his invitation for Stephen Curry to visit the White House after…

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