Kelsey Santmyer

Greek Life members address race, stereotypes

Throughout the country, sororities and fraternities alike have a stereotype attached to them concerning an underrepresentation of minority students within Greek Life. Students from different ethnicities, religions or sexual orientations can be deterred from joining a Greek Life organization because they feel like they don’t belong. A lack of representation within the organizations and financial…

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Philosophy Club returns to university

After a brief absence, the University of Rhode Island’s Philosophy Club is back in full force, hosting meetings under new leadership and structure. In 2013, Philosophy Club was popular for its discussion-based meetings where students would gather outside of their philosophy classes to exchange ideas and thoughts about specific philosophical works or theories. The atmosphere…

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Philosophy Club

  After a brief absence, the University of Rhode Island’s Philosophy Club is back in full force, hosting meetings under new leadership and structure. In 2013, Philosophy Club was popular for its discussion-based meetings where students would gather outside of their philosophy classes to exchange ideas and thoughts about specific philosophical works or theories. The…

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‘Sex in the Text’: discussing sex in the Torah

The University of Rhode Island’s Hillel Center launched the first installment of its radical discussions on risqué subjects within the Jewish faith last Thursday night. Entitled “Taboo Talks,” the discussion was the first in a three-part informative discussion series to start a dialog on how the books of worship influence and view certain behaviors. The…

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Students continued to be threatened by phishing scandals

  On Feb. 23, the University of Rhode Island sent out an email on the behalf of their Information Security Office regarding a spear phishing threat. Phishing is an electronic communications scam in which, in an attempt to trick targets into divulging personal information—such as usernames, passwords, credit card information and/or other forms of identity—scammers…

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