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URI assures protections for transgender students following Title IX revision

Despite President Donald Trump’s withdrawal of federal protections for transgender students last week, the University of Rhode Island has publicly stated its continued commitment to protect all students, regardless of their gender identity. Apart from allowing students to use the bathroom that corresponded to their gender identity, interpretations of Title IX made during the Obama…

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Student Senate report 3/1

The Student Senate held a public forum to discuss issues with parking, construction and infrastructure on campus where they introduced a referendum regarding an increase of the Student Services Fee. Joe Wanat, project director at Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. in Providence, discussed ideas like improving the image visitors get when arriving on campus through new…

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News You Should Know

Tuesday evening, President Donald Trump addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time as president. The speech, similar to a State of the Union Address, allows the president to lay out the policies that lead Congress and set goals for the Administration.         In keeping with tradition, Trump seemed to adopt a less…

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Students solve campus problems at second annual ChangeFest event

Students from colleges across Rhode Island came together at the University of Rhode Island Memorial Union last Saturday for a friendly competition to solve problems found on university campuses. At the second-annual ChangeFest, students competed for cash prizes to turn their projects into a reality. Hosted and created by the URI student organization, Thrive, ChangeFest…

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Graduate Program Director talks NASPA award, research, student affairs

  Dr. Annemarie Vaccaro, associate professor and program director of College Student Personnel, received a national award for a “lifetime commitment to research and scholarship” in student development and social justice in January, . NASPA, also known as Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education, honored Vaccaro with an award for an “outstanding contribution to literature…

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Cheating on Campus

Cheating is considered a serious offense here at the University of Rhode Island. As a school that stresses academic honesty and integrity, cheating is not taken lightly.   When a student it caught or suspected of cheating in the classroom, the professor has three options, according to Assistant Director of Community Standards Joe Berardi. The…

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