Student senate to emphasize accountability amidst jury absentees

This year’s student senate court at the University of Rhode Island promised to bring a focus on senator accountability following an absent jury last academic year, according to Head Jurist Andrew Ebrahimpour. The student senate court functions as the third branch of the student government, paired with the legislative body of senators and the executive…

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Student Senate 9/25

The University of Rhode Island student senate dismissed three senators and passed a $350,000 funding bill during their general assembly meeting on Wednesday. Head Jurist Andrew Ebrahimpour came to announce the court had unanimously voted to dismiss Sens. Waseem Bahra, Clarsie Chamberlain and Arianna Pavaresh-Rizi. The dismissed senators exceeded their allowed three absences, Ebrahimpour said….

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Student Senate 9/18

The University of Rhode Island student senate addressed student arrests, nominated this year’s election committee and discussed last year’s election issues during their second general assembly of the semester on Wednesday. Ellen Reynolds, vice president of student affairs, gave a presentation regarding move-in, including the weekend’s arrests. 22 URI students were arrested over the first…

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Student Senate Report 4/3

The University of Rhode Island student senate bid farewell to the 2023-2024 administration and welcomed next year’s senators during Wednesday’s two meetings. The 2023-2024 senate passed Bill 59, which officially certified the 2024-2025 student senate election results. The Neuroscience Club was officially recognized by the senate after failure to turn in their recognition form. Former…

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