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Student Senate Report: 9/30

Student Senate had Mary Jo Gonzales, the University of Rhode Island’s assistant vice president of student affairs, to discuss an upcoming Narragansett town council proposal. The town council of Narragansett is currently discussing a proposal that would prevent students from leasing a house with more than three people living there. “Student representation and student conversation…

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Phishing scandal on campus

Last Wednesday, the University of Rhode Island’s Department of Public Safety and the FBI issued a warning concerning a phone scam that attempts to collect money from students. The scams were said to include a phone call claiming that the student owed “unpaid taxes for school loans.” The phishing seems to have been aimed directly…

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News you should know

  Global: GABCIKOVO, SLOVAKIA- Hundreds of Syrian war refugees are migrating to a village that recently voted against their stay by a shocking 97 percent, according to the Washington Post. Gabcikovo is a town with a population of 5,000. As a tightly-knit community, most of the townspeople speak Hungarian and are Catholic. The people of…

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