First RhodyThon smashes records, raises thousands for Hasbro

Photos by Kayla Michaud |CIGAR| RhodyThon crushes previous records, raises thousands of dollars for children Students at the University of Rhode Island made national headlines over the weekend as they succeeded in raising $147,903.28 for the Children’s Miracle Network, exceeding the previous record for fundraising amongst first-year Miracle Network Dance Marathon events.    In its…

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Kickin’ it Afro-Brazilian style

Photo by Joe Lachance |CIGAR| Sam opens himself up to new experiences in his class, learning skills and pushing himself even further. Samuel Murray does capoeira There are many different types of martial arts that it could fill its own dictionary. Some, like Karate, hail from Eastern Asia and rely on quick skill and strikes. Others,…

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Letter to the editor: Clarifying the Malpractice of Student Senate

Submission by Sam Foer Last week the Cigar published an article with some false and misleading information about Student Senate’s practices and policies. I write to clarify Senate’s problematic practices and their actual regulations, which they seem to misunderstand or ignore; both speak to the collective [in]competence of our student government. To start, Student Senate…

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Butting Heads:

Photo by Autumn Walter |CIGAR| Who drives the worst? Massachusetts By Caitlyn Picard If you ever heard of the phrase “going for a Sunday drive,” apply to that every Rhode Islander who steps foot into a vehicle at any given time. I guess if you’re within 30 minutes of the ocean no matter where you…

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Piano Extravaganza

This last weekend the Piano Extravaganza event, featuring different University of Rhode Island and “some of the best pianists in the Northeast,” took over the Concert Hall in the Fine Arts Center. This event has been a yearly event at URI since 2002. In 2002, URI approved the funding for a brand new grand piano,…

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