How to cope with graduation stress

Photo by Kayla Michaud |CIGAR| “I won’t know all the answers, but I can learn.” Finish strong, stress later! Graduation, the receiving an academic degree or diploma, the goodbye to friends you won’t see everyday and the new and fresh beginnings. It is the quintessential bittersweet event in any student’s life. Seniors have devoted the past…

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URI welcomes new nursing dean

At the start of the spring 2018 semester, the University of Rhode Island appointed alumna and former undergraduate faculty member, Mary Leveille, as the College of Nursing’s new associate dean. From 2000 to 2014 Leveille taught the accompanying lecture series component for the psychiatric clinical, required for third year students in URI’s College of Nursing….

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Time to put on your tin-foil hats

Photos by Autumn Walter |CIGAR| Samuel Murray found himself at Conspiracy Theory Night hosted by URI’s Debate Union. Kyrie Irving of the Boston Celtics made headlines last year when he went on the “Road Trippin” podcast and claimed he believed the Earth was flat. This statement sparked debates across social media and brought the “Flat Earth…

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News you should know

The armed school resource deputy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School resigned last week after it was discovered that he never entered the building while the shooting happened. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said that Deputy Scot Peterson waited outside the building, but never went in to attempt to confront the shooter. Israel said that…

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The Students for Sensible Drug Policy response to a comment in ‘No more hemp fest'”

“President Buck’s quote from last spring about our mission statement is false. In fact, our mission statement does not make note to any specific policies, including the legalization of cannabis. Our mission statement states only makes note to “pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future, while fighting back against counterproductive…

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