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News you should know

A school shooting at a Florida high school has left 17 dead and an additional 16 injured. The shooting occurred in Parkland, Florida at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. According to CNN, both students and teachers are among those killed. The school has an estimated enrollment of 3,100 students. The suspect, 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz, was…

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Student Senate Report 2/14/18

The University of Rhode Island Student Senate started off the meeting Wednesday night by approving a bill that gave a contingency grant to the Powerlifting team for their collegiate nationals competition. The team came in to talk about the event they will be attending. The President of the team, Sam Kopech, said that the event…

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The breakdown of living on campus

It’s no secret that the cost of attending a four-year university has increased more than any other time in the last half-century. Experts like Sandy Baum of the Urban Institute argued in a National Public Radio interview that, “it’s not that colleges are spending more money to educate students.” Rather, that, “It’s that they have…

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Land of the Pat(riots)

URI Students riot after Superbowl loss Photos by Autumn Walter | Students riot on campus after the New England Patriot’s super-bowl loss on Sunday night. Shortly after the conclusion of Super Bowl LII, chaos and madness consumed the University of Rhode Island campus as hundreds of students exited their residence halls in intense celebration. Unsatisfied with…

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