Photo by James Singer.
Friday, Oct. 25
At 1:12 p.m. a motor vehicle accident occurred on Campus Avenue. No injuries occurred and a police report was filed.
At 4:41 p.m. drug offenses occurred in Hillside Hall.
Saturday, Oct. 26
At 7:35 a.m. an accident occurred on Lower College Road. No injuries occurred and a police report was filed.
At 7:22 p.m. a medical emergency occurred in Kingston Market in the Memorial Union. The student’s parents had not heard from them and called the police for a well-being check.
Sunday, Oct. 27
At 12:56 p.m. an assault was reported in Butterfield Hall. A student pushed their RA, who then reported it to the police. A police report was filed.
At 3:36 p.m. fraud was reported at the police station. A police report was filed.
Monday, Oct. 28
At 1:36 a.m. a medical emergency occurred at Eddy Hall. The patient was transported to the hospital with a dislocated wrist.
At 10:30 p.m. suspicious activity was reported in Weldin Hall. A student saw someone taking a video of them in a shower. There is an ongoing investigation.
Tuesday, Oct. 29
At 10:13 a.m. a medical emergency occurred in the Potter Health Services Building. The patient was transported to the hospital with abdominal pain.
Wednesday, Oct. 30
At 1:56 p.m. a medical emergency occurred in the Potter Health Services Building. The patient was transported to the hospital with a severe asthma attack.
Thursday, Oct. 31
At 5:09 p.m. the fire alarm went off in Coddington Hall. The reason it went off was unknown. No action was required by the police.
At 9:18 p.m. a medical emergency occurred in Tucker Hall. A student fell down a flight of stairs and hit their head. The patient was transported to the hospital.
Friday, Nov. 1
At 11:10 a.m. vandalism occurred at Lippitt Hall. A police report was filed.
At 11:35 p.m. a medical emergency occurred in the Memorial Union. The patient was transported to the hospital with alcohol poisoning.
Saturday, Nov. 2
At 10:51 a.m. an accident occurred on Keaney Road. A police report was filed.
Sunday, Nov. 3
At 12:59 a.m. the fire alarm was triggered in Merrow Hall. It was a false alarm.
At 11:02 a.m. harassment occurred in Browning Hall. A racist note was slipped under a student’s door. A police report was filed.
Monday, Nov. 4
At 1:01 p.m. the fire alarm was triggered in Gorham Hall. It was a false alarm.
Tuesday, Nov. 5
At 9:44 a.m. an alarm was misused in Quinn Hall. No action was required by the police and a report was filed.
At 2:44 p.m. kidnapping was reported when a student was picked up by the wrong rideshare vehicle in Independence Square. A police report was filed.
Wednesday, Nov. 6
At 12:01 a.m. a drug offense occurred in Butterfield Hall when students were caught with drug paraphernalia in their room. A police report was filed.
At 6:32 a.m. vandalism occurred at Woodward Hall. The police assisted staff.