The sound of dissent

 Music professor teaches about protest music URI Professor Emmett Goods discusses the history of music as a form of protest. Photo by Greg Clark. Emmett Goods said he remembers his grandfather grabbing him by the back of his shirt in church as a child, making him stand to show respect for the hymn “Lift Every…

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URI Cheer tumbles into a new season

With much of the focus on sports during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Cigar decided to take a closer look at URI’s cheerleaders and Ramettes. Photos by James McIntosh. Fresh off their first-ever Universal Cheerleaders Association (UCA) Nationals win last year, the University of Rhode Island’s cheerleading team was on a high going into their 2020-21…

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Rams that lead Rams: Student Organization Leadership Consultants

Student Organization Leadership Consultants holding a retreat with Rhody Ridiculousness. Photo by Kayla Laguerre-Lewis. Over the past year, the University of Rhode Island’s Student Organization Leadership Consultants (SOLC) have had to make some changes to the way they go about conducting business. SOLC is a group of students that have received advanced leadership training from…

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“Know Her Name”: Chanel Miller

A look at Chanel Miller’s “Know Her Name,” the memoir by Brock Turner victim. Photo from Trigger Warning: This book mentions suicide, school shooting/violence and sexual assault.  If you followed national news back in 2016, you might have heard about the Brock Turner case: A student-athlete from Stanford University sexually assaulted an unconscious woman…

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