Andrew Main

I am passionate about writing for the Cigar because I enjoy informing others about what is going on in the URI community. It is often said that education is one of the most powerful tools an individual can have. Through writing for the Cigar, I aim to help educate the community about what is going on and why it is important so that people can be as educated as possible about newsworthy events on campus. I ran for the news editor position because I want to help make the Cigar as successful as possible by not just writing articles but by helping other reporters capitalize on their strengths as well.

Let’s Get Cycling!

The new bike path officially opened for public use on Monday. Photo by James McIntosh. The University of Rhode Island’s two-mile-long bike path, which will connect the campus to the William C. O’Neill Bike Path, officially opened during a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Monday that featured University administrators and state officials. Over 100 people attended the…

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This Week’s Honors Colloquium: Diversity Week Joint Lecture Discusses Race, Religion in America

Judith Weisenfeld, a professor of religion at Princeton University, discussed the correlation between race and religion. Photo by James Singer.   The sixth installment of this semester’s Honors Colloquium featured a guest lecturer from Princeton discussing the correlation of race and religion in America on Tuesday night in Edwards Auditorium.  The lecture was given by Judith…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

What’s a Quahog?

Quahogging is a popular activity in the state, but the terminology confuses some non-residents   Despite being the smallest state in the U.S., Rhode Island certainly has plenty of unique words, phrases, foods or concepts that leave out-of-staters confused. What is an example of one such word? quahog.  For many people who live outside the 1,212…

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Respectful Students or Narragansett Nuisances?

This September has seen slightly fewer incidents compared to past years According to the Narragansett Police Department, since the beginning of the academic year there has been a slight decrease in the number of nuisance complaints regarding off-campus University of Rhode Island students, in comparison to previous years.  Narragansett Chief of Police Sean Corrigan said…

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