Andrew Main

I am passionate about writing for the Cigar because I enjoy informing others about what is going on in the URI community. It is often said that education is one of the most powerful tools an individual can have. Through writing for the Cigar, I aim to help educate the community about what is going on and why it is important so that people can be as educated as possible about newsworthy events on campus. I ran for the news editor position because I want to help make the Cigar as successful as possible by not just writing articles but by helping other reporters capitalize on their strengths as well.

Diversity Awards Honor Students Dedicated to Social Progress

(Left to Right) Carnell Jones, Mary Grace Almandrez, Kathy Collins, Donald Dehayes, David Dooley, George Gallien and Blessing Gbemisola presented at the Diversity Awards. | Photo by Grace DeSanti. Over a hundred students, staff members and guests gathered yesterday evening to honor community members dedicated to the advancement and incorporation of diversity at the University…

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University Fails to Open Brookside Apartments on Time, Frustrates Students

Brookside apartments were delayed by one semester due to mistakes from the architectural design firm and weather, according to URI’s Office of Capital Projects. Photo by James McIntosh. School Blames Design Plan, Weather for Delay The University of Rhode Island’s newest residence hall, the Brookside Apartment Complex, will no longer open in time for the…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Column: Don’t Knock Rhody

When I walked by a tour group the other day on my way to class and a prospective student joked about the University, it made me start to think. Complaining about the University of Rhode Island is something that every student, myself included, has done at least once during their years in Kingston. Concerns about…

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