Movie review: ‘Black Panther’

From the moment the film begins, “Black Panther” is like nothing we’ve ever seen before. It’s refined vision of Wakanda and characters fulfill the demands of superhero spectacle with great subtext. The movie follows T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) who returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda to take his place as King…

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Students shine in weekly performance

Photos by Kayla Michaud |CIGAR|  From left to right Christina Nero, Jacob Brunelle and Nicholas Schleyer answer questions following their performance  Students gathered in the Fine Arts Concert Hall last Thursday, Feb. 15, to watch their classmates perform in that week’s music convocation. Performances included Christina Nero, as a vocalist, Nicholas Schleyer, on the piano and…

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Collaborative sax quartet

This past Saturday, Feb. 17, the Main Concert Hall of the University of Rhode Island Fine Arts Center hosted yet another wildly successful evening of live pieces of contemporary music. This weekend featured the talents of saxophonist and URI faculty member Johnathan Amon, with accompaniment from fellow members of the Chagall Performance Art Collaborative Saxophone…

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Romantic flicks well worth a watch

​Watching romantic movies is a time-honored Valentine’s Day tradition. Whether you’re spending the holiday with your significant other, or just looking for something to do while you wait for annual discount candy day like the rest of us, here are five romantic movies that are about more than just relationships. “Juno” (2007)- A quirky offbeat…

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‘Measure for Measure’

A discussion with ‘Isabella’ and ‘the Duke’ Photo courtesy of the URI theatre department As the University of Rhode Island’s Theatre production of “Measure for Measure” continues on its hard-working path to the stage, the Cigar was able to sit down with two members of the cast to discuss this month’s upcoming production. The play’s…

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