Local journalist shares personal insight with URI student organization

Margie O’Brien: journalist, entrepreneur, storyteller  Local journalist Margie O’Brien recently participated in an event with URI’s Women in Business organization. Photo from golocalprov.com Being the youngest of six siblings, Margie O’Brien has always been a storyteller.  As a child, the now-journalist and business owner would fight for her parent’s attention around the “elbows-to-elbows” kitchen table…

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Return of The Renaissance

URI yearbook back after year-long hiatus After a one-year-long hiatus, URI will once again have a yearbook. Photo from web.uri.edu. Due to COVID-19, the official yearbook of the University of Rhode Island, the Renaissance Yearbook, was never released in 2020.  This year, Editor-in-Chief Hayley O’Marra has to put together two different yearbooks. According to O’Marra,…

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Fine Arts Center renovations to continue after referendum passes

Artists to continue “creating magic” in renovated space Tuesday’s bond referendum will give the URI Fine Arts Center a much-needed upgrade. Photo by James McIntosh.  During Tuesday’s special referendum election, Rhode Island voters approved seven bond questions worth $400 million, related to developing projects throughout the state. Question One on the ballot grants $107.3 million…

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TEDxURI to return, hold two virtual events

Speakers to discuss climate change Local journalist Margie O’Brien recently participated in an event with URI’s Women in Business organization. Photo from golocalprov.com The 2021 TEDxURI will include two fully-virtual shows with numerous speakers covering the topic of “decoding the language of climate.”   The TEDxURI event, which takes place every year at the University of…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Student Senate 3/4/21

The Student Senate passed a resolution recommending the Senate’s on-campus housing waitlist priority during this week’s meeting. Instruments Committee Chair Christopher Bove and Moderator Caleb Hilyard introduced a resolution to announce the Student Senate’s recommendation for a new housing waitlist priority due to the changes made recently by the Department of Housing and Residential Life….

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Staying healthy while abroad: University hosts panel discussion for students

 On Feb. 16, staff from the American Institute for Foreign Studies  (AIFS) hosted an event with alumni of the AIFS program focused on maintaining healthy habits, mentally and physically, while abroad.  AIFS is one of the leading third-party abroad programs in the world, offering programs for students in both college and high school, according to…

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On-campus housing adapts to the new ‘normal’

Housing and Residential Life manages dorm life during pandemic Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, URI is making changes to its housing policies and plans. Photo by James McIntosh. The University of Rhode Island’s on-campus housing arrangements during COVID-19 have altered both annual budgets and plans, affecting the future of residential life. URI’s Housing and Residential…

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Clery report shows increase in alcohol use referrals from RAs, decrease in arrests

Campus crime report gives crime statistics for 2019 Photo by Ethan Pellegrino. The University of Rhode Island police department has released their yearly Clery Act Report, containing new information on crimes committed at the University over the previous year. The Clery Act Report, which compares on-campus crimes in 2019 to those committed in previous years,…

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