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Student Senate report: 4/5

Student Senate recognized new student organizations, passed a bylaws bill and elected new Executive Board members in their first meeting of the Buck-Donnelly administration on Wednesday. Student Organization and Advisory Review Committee Chairman Michael Bachilas presented two organization recognition bills. The first was for the URI Animal Welfare Club, whose goal is to raise awareness…

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University sees substantial rise in counseling center appointments, points to growing student mental health issues

The number of students seeking counseling services at the University of Rhode Island has been on the rise in recent years. Counseling rates have increased from around 800 students per academic year in 2013 to over 1000 students in 2016 according to the URI Counseling Center. Eighty percent of those students report that their goal…

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News you should know: 3/29

  After healthcare loss, Trump moves forward on Obama-era environmental rules Last week, the Republican bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, the previous president’s signature policy achievement, failed to receive a vote in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said that Obamacare is the “law of the land.” President Donald…

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