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An ode to Rhody: We miss you

To any University of Rhode Island student reading this right now: I’m with you.  Life is weird and extremely heavy right now. I miss being on campus with a normal routine, being a student and hanging out with my friends until the odd hours of the night.  As we soldier on through this brutal pandemic,…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Ask Abbie: Manifestations?

Hello my beautiful honeysuckle darlings. I hope your semesters began with an abundance of good fortune and your skin is soaking in all of the delicious omega-3 fatty acids you are hopefully all eating or taking a supplement of. Spring semester always offers a lot of exciting new experiences, like new people entering your life…

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A case for Valentine’s Day

Valentines Day: Love is in the air at URI this Valentines Day. Graphic by Elizabeth Wong. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, people across the nation are gearing up for chocolate hearts and rose-colored cards. I’m here to tell you why the holiday is so great not only for those in relationships, but also…

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Dining hall food hacks

Dining Hall Hacks: Graphic by Elizabeth Wong. There are always those days in the dining halls where the homestyle food options just don’t sound that appetizing or look very appealing. We can all agree that we can’t always find something that we want to eat that fulfills our cravings. I want to feel full and…

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