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Senate Report: 11/2

In recognition of the Academic Committee’s proposal that hours at the Robert L. Carothers Library be extended for finals week and the two weeks prior, Karim B. Boughida, the Dean of University Libraries, came to address the concerns of the Student Senate during public forum. Boughida said that this proposal, while being legitimate, was not…

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News you should know

The majority of news coverage in the weeks leading up to Nov. 8 has focused on the presidential race, but the majority of the ballot is made up of various statewide and local items.  In addition to the presidential election, there are local elections, including city council and school board, as well as questions unique…

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Election media coverage focuses on language

Over the last few weeks, much of the media’s focus has been on Donald Trump’s “locker room talk”following the recordings discovered in which he described sexually harassing women. While these statements are clearly unacceptable, especially from a high-powered individual, the question remains-should this disqualify Trump as a candidate? According to our survey, the vast majority…

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Islamophobia: be aware, do not beware

The Multicultural Student Center arranged a panel on Islamophobia last Thursday evening. Naomi Thompson, associate professor of community, equity and diversity, and Dr. Nasser Zawia, the dean of the Graduate School, hosted the event in order to begin discussions into communities under attack. “Be extremely respectful and kind,” Zawia said, concerning his practice and upbringing…

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Presidential election experiences: first-time voters, seasoned professors

With the presidential election nearing, some students have the opportunity to vote for the first time, which can be both nerve-wracking and exciting, while professors view this as just another round. Senior Communication Studies and Public Relations major, Erika Berglund, is voting for the first time this year. Berglund is originally from Connecticut, and she…

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Professors, students express importance of down ballot elections

While nearly everyone has some type of opinion toward the national election, many students and adults alike have no idea what legislation will be on their down ballot this coming Tuesday. The down ballot encompasses everything that’s not the presidential candidates, from local and state legislators to ballot questions. Although the presidential election receives extensive…

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Sorority charter revoked after alcohol use, possible endangerment of new members

The University of Rhode Island and the Alpha Phi International Women’s Fraternity mutually agreed to rescind the charter for the URI Iota Delta chapter of Alpha Phi until spring semester of 2021, according to a statement released by the university. “Our office received a credible report indicating that an incident occurred on campus that may…

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