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Student Senate report: 3/30

  Student Senate began their first meeting of the night by discussing an appeal of the stipend review process for Yearbook Renaissance’s Editor in Chief. During the stipend review process, Yearbook lost all their stipends. The Student Organization Advisory Review Committee (SOARC) cut the Yearbook’s Editor in Chief stipend because they felt that the Yearbook…

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URI grads present at Amanpour Lecture

  Two University of Rhode Island graduates gave presentations about their experiences in international and conflict reporting last night in the Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences. Mark Scialla, ‘13, and Reshad Kulenovic, ‘04, spoke at URI as part of the Christiane Amanpour lecture in international journalism. Both Scialla and Kulenovic both rely heavily on…

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Majors receive different funding for buildings, update on Ranger Hall renovations  

  After Ranger Hall’s groundbreaking ceremony for its renovations this past November, there have been notable disparities between buildings for the arts versus STEM majors. The University of Rhode Island’s communication studies, film/media, journalism, public relations and writing and rhetoric departments will get a renovated building with the completion of Ranger Hall. But other programs,…

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