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A progressive voice for Rhode Island youth

In Oct. 2017, 28-year-old Providence Democratic State Rep. Aaron Regunberg announced his candidacy for Rhode Island Lieutenant Governor, challenging the current Lieutenant Governor Daniel McKee. The Chicago native wound up in Rhode Island starting in his college years when he attended Brown University majoring in political science. From there he got started into the world…

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Wipe it off, let your beauty shine

Kristina Erickson|CIGAR| Students are encouraged to wipe off their makeup last Monday in the Union to promote self-confidence. Staying bare faced and bold is something that both the University of Rhode Island community and Women’s Center support. As part of the Celebration, EveryBODY Week, Director of the Women’s Center, Dr. Penny Rosenthal and graduate assistant,…

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TED x Talks come to URI

Kayla Michaud |CIGAR| Saturday’s TEDx Talks includes speeches ranging in topics from disabilities, living like you’re dying and clothing to help Parkinson’s Disease. The University of Rhode Island’s slogan “Think Big, We Do” was exemplified on Saturday, Feb. 10, as 14 speakers, including students, alumni and professors, presented about topics ranging from “Artificial Intelligence” to…

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