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Student Senate Report 11/8

The Student Senate recognized two organizations last night. The first was Alpha Phi Omega, a coed service fraternity. This group is not associated with Greek Life and focuses on community service on campus. They also focus their efforts on contributing to Habitat for Humanity. They currently have 25 members and 11 pledges. This group was…

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EPA prohibits URI Ph.D. graduate students from speaking on climate change

The United States Environmental Protection Agency prohibited three of its scientists, all Ph.D. graduate students from the University of Rhode Island, from speaking at the presentation of the State of Narragansett Bay and Its Watershed Summary Report, of which their research contributed to. Held on Monday, Oct. 23 at Save the Bay, this conference was…

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Student senate report: 11/1

The Student Senate unanimously voted to recognize two unfunded student organizations last night. The Student Senate voted to recognize a club track and field team this week. This organization wishes to provide a more competitive atmosphere than the running club. Along those lines, they also wish to train more than the running club. This club…

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News you should know

Robert Mueller, the special prosecutor appointed to investigate potential collusion between President Trump and Russia during the 2016 elections, indicted Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort on twelve charges Monday. Manafort served as Trump’s campaign manager from June to August in 2016, before being replaced by Kellyanne Conway. The most serious charges against Manafort includes…

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