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Learning to lead

This semester is all about growth. So is college. So is life.  Two years ago I stood on the verge of tears in front of an editorial staff of seniors I feared. I told them that the reason I should be chosen as a staff reporter as only a first-semester freshman was because I had…

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Conspiracy Theories

An incredibly embarrassing thing about me is that I absolutely love the idea of conspiracy theories. I don’t know what it is about them, but I find them to be fascinating. I (obviously) don’t believe, like, any of them, but I’ll listen to most of them. If someone really cares enough to put the time…

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It’s Time to Talk About Mental Health: Week 9

The word “overgeneralization” is defined in Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary as “to generalize to the point of inaccuracy, to extrapolate a general theory, rule, et cetera, from too few facts or particulars.” It is commonly seen among people with anxiety disorders. They will take one small instance and generalize that the worst is going to happen.  And…

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