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University to build a new center for health and wellness counseling

The University of Rhode Island is currently designing and developing a new integrated health, wellness and counseling center in hopes of serving the University of Rhode Island’s student body with physical and mental health services and education. Vice President of Student Affairs Kathy Collins and Student Health and Wellness Director Ellen Reynolds are working together,…

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The Good 5 Cents Cigar Logo

Fall Colloquium to address disability in the 21st century

Disabilities are more visible and accepted than ever today, but they can also be invisible and stigmatized.  Because of this historic stigmatization, the Fall 2020 Honors Colloquium will address the topic of Challenging Expectations: Disability in the 21st Century. The Honors Colloquium, which is in its 57th year, is overseen by Lynne Derbyshire, director of…

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Students concerned about furniture sourced from local prisons

Graphic by Elizabeth Wong. All state institutions in Rhode Island required to purchase furniture from Department of Corrections Students living in Heathman Hall, among others, may have recently noticed new furniture being brought into their building by prisoners, supervised by guards. Rhode Island state law mandates that its state schools, the University of Rhode Island,…

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Engaging students using interactive classrooms

URI’s Active Learning Classrooms are providing students with a more interactive academic experience. Photo by Autumn Walter.  Professors at the University of Rhode Island are beginning to see the positive effects of active learning classrooms (ALCs), which promote collaborative work, technological engagement and increased mobility for students. These classrooms are typically filled with small, round…

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