Student Senate Report 3/25/20

In their first virtual meeting since the University of Rhode Island’s COVID-19 shutdown, the Student Senate discussed internal elections, the budget for the 2020-2021 year and the re-recognition of student organizations.   The meeting opened with reports from the election committee. Senator John Morabito said that elections were essentially completed and everyone that had been…

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University prepares for rest of semester, commencement amid pandemic

Photo courtesy of the University of Rhode Island’s Summer Sessions Instagram. This is a developing story. For the most up-to-date information, follow @RhodyCigar and our staff on Twitter. You can also go to our website for more coverage. While some details have become clearer as the University of Rhode Island begins remote learning this week…

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International travel restrictions amidst COVID-19 containment

The University of Rhode Island recalled all student study abroad programs in Europe after President Donald Trump suspended travel from most of Europe for 30 days, beginning March 13. Amid efforts to slow the spread of infection of COVID-19, the University announced this decision on March 12. The University also suspended all University-sponsored international travel…

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Community voices reactions, fears and plans to COVID-19 response

Students react to the University’s policies regarding COVID-19. Photo by James McIntosh. This is a developing story. For the most recent updates, follow @RhodyCigar and @mary_lind18 on Twitter.  One day after the University of Rhode Island announced an extension of spring break and a temporary transition to remote online classes, the community is hard at…

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