Life-long academic pursues second Ph.D., continues journey from Italy

From student to film critic to researcher  Francesca Borrione, a URI teaching assistant and Ph.D. candidate, discusses her multifaceted academic history. Photo by Ethan Pellegrino. Ph.D. candidate and teaching assistant Francesca Borrione is ready to make a mark with her international research, publications and academic endeavors.  Borrione was born and raised in Italy where she…

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Barely passing the Bechdel Test

What do “Pulp Fiction,” “Legally Blonde” and “The Amityville Horror” have in common? Nothing, right? Wrong. They all pass the Bechdel Test, a measurement of “whether or not a film or other work of fiction portrays women in a way that is sexist or characterized by gender stereotyping.” Named for its creator, Alison Bechdel, the…

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