Mary Lind

I’ve always been passionate about journalism and telling stories, and I think that the way a paper is laid out can help tell those stories more effectively. Good journalism is needed now more than ever and I’m excited to bring what I know to the Cigar this semester and to gain more experience in this field.

University names new police chief

Michael Jagoda promoted after six years in Kingston Maj. Michael Jagoda was recently named the new URI Police director of public safety and chief police executive. PHOTO CREDIT: Nick Pierson Major Michael Jagoda of the University Rhode Island Police Department carries himself like you’d imagine a police officer would. He stands up tall and straight…

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University Investigates Report of Sexual Misconduct at President’s House

The University of Rhode Island is investigating allegations of sexual misconduct at a dinner party at President David Dooley’s house last month. “Shortly following this dinner, the University became aware of a complaint filed with its Title IX office,” said URI Spokeswoman Linda Acciardo. “The University has been actively investigating the complaint and has determined…

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