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URI College Democrats work to protect immigrants

The Trump administration’s decision to rescind the Obama administration era policy known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) has pushed immigration back into the forefront of political discourse. In result, The University of Rhode Island College Democrats hope to help shape this national debate. DREAMer advocates, including URI College Democrats’ President Andy Boardman,…

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Student Senate 9/26

University of Rhode Island Student Senate recognized Women’s Republic, Bridge USA and Chabad URI as official organizations at their weekly meeting. Women’s Republic, an online feminist magazine, was represented by their secretary, and  came to elaborate on the online magazine. She said that they focus on spreading information regarding feminist issues, as well as advocacy…

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News You Should Know: 9/28

President Trump took the nation by storm on Friday, calling National Football League players who kneel during the National Anthem “sons of bitches,” and called for owners to fire the players who protested. Trump then followed his speech with a tweet Saturday morning, rescinding his invitation for Stephen Curry to visit the White House after…

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