No More 3-Hour Exams Could Become a Reality

The University of Rhode Island’s Faculty Senate is currently discussing a proposed calendar change that would decrease final exam times from three hours to two hours, beginning in 2021.  The Chair of the Faculty Senate Calendar Subcommittee, Samantha Meenach, an associate professor in the college of engineering, heads the committee that proposed this change.  According…

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Student Senate 10/2

The vast majority of the University of Rhode Island Student Senate meeting this Wednesday was spent debating tiebreaker elections for three positions: the College of Business Representative, College of Environmental and Life Sciences (CELS) Representative and Off-Campus Representatives. External Chair Allison Lantagne stated that she reached out to people who won their seat and they…

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‘Die-In’ Climate Demonstration Mobilizes Community

Students gathered on the Quad on Friday to advocate for a Green New Deal in hopes of preventing climate change. Photo by Greg Clark. Climate activists protested on the quad Friday afternoon through speeches, picket signs and a “die-in” to illustrate potential consequences of unchecked climate change. According to the event’s sign-in, 158 people participated…

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