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Professors, politicians, military personnel discuss coastal resiliency

The University of Rhode Island’s Graduate School of Oceanography held a coastal resiliency symposium on Tuesday to discuss the dangers climate change could have on coastal communities. Four coastal experts made up the panel of speakers. Retired Navy Rear Admiral Jonathan W. White was the keynote speaker. United States Senator Sheldon Whitehouse and United States…

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News You Should Know

Top Stories: A migrant caravan of about 7,000 Guatemalans, Hondurans and other Central Americans, is making its way north through Mexico in hopes of crossing the U.S. border.  President Trump has already made multiple controversial comments regarding it, calling the migrants “hardened criminals,” and commenting that “Democrats like caravans.”  The British Broadcasting Corporation is now…

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Gubernatorial Debate draws large crowd, discusses important Rhode Island values

Article by Laura Weick and Mary Lind Photo by Laura Weick | (Left to right) Joe Trillo, William Gilbert, Gov. Gina Raimondo and Mayor Allan Fung. The University of Rhode Island, the Providence Journal and the Public’s Radio hosted the Rhode Island gubernatorial debate on Monday evening in Edwards Auditorium. Democratic Governor Gina Raimondo, Republican…

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URI shows their support for mental health awareness

The University of Rhode Island encouraged students and community members to engage in dialogue about mental health at the third annual Fresh Check Day event held on the Quadrangle yesterday. University College, the Counseling Center, Health Services and the Psychological Consultation Center all co-sponsored the event and were in attendance. Fresh Check Day, a signature…

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Writing course to facilitate donation drive

Shortage of affordable housing, temporary unemployment, a sudden medical emergency that bankrupts and uproots a family, disability that prevents someone from working or causes workplace discrimination, addiction, domestic violence and mental illness—these are some of the prevalent factors by which 4,5000 people find themselves experiencing homelessness in Rhode Island annually. This semester, Writing for Community…

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