Where are all the jobs?

Students can get jobs at places like the mailroom and the school store on campus. Photo from @uricampusstore. Although on-campus jobs are still available, students looking for a position may have to get creative during their job hunt due to limitations created by the COVID-19 pandemic. When the University of Rhode Island suspended all in-person…

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Putting in the work: CED Micro-credential to make workplace more inclusive

Social Justice and Inclusion Micro-credential now being offered to staff, faculty and affiliates Associate Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, Dr. Mary Grace Almandrez, helped organize a series of diversity modules for URI staff. Photo from Web.uri.edu The Office of Community, Equity and Diversity (CED) launched the Social Justice and Inclusion (SJ&I) Micro-credential in July…

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The essentials for essential workers

URI biomedical engineers create PPE for health workers The University of Rhode Island’s biomedical engineering department helped produce much-needed personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic, helping save lives across Rhode Island. When students were sent home in the spring 2020 semester, Dr. Kunal Mankodiya, associate professor of electrical, computer and biomedical engineering, and…

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University creates classes to address COVID-19, racial injustice

The College of Arts and Sciences has created one-credit classes to teach students about COVID-19 and racial injustice. Graphic by Elizabeth Wong. The University of Rhode Island College of Arts and Sciences recently created a variety of innovative, one-credit courses for the fall semester, addressing racial justice issues and COVID-19.  The idea to develop one-credit…

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Counseling Center holds virtual sessions, halts future construction

Students attend counseling sessions remotely due to the COVID-19 regulations. Photo by James McIntosh. The University of Rhode Island’s Counseling Center has been forced to hold most appointments remotely due to social distancing guidelines and halted the construction of its new building. Services such as teletherapy and online group therapy are available to URI students…

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