Kayla Laguerre-Lewis

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Alum returns to deliver powerful, personal Trans Awareness Week keynote speech

When a transgender student found herself misgendered by a preacher on her way to class, she tearfully called Annie Russell, director of the University of Rhode Island Gender and Sexuality Center (GSC). When she returned to the Quad after her 50-minute lecture, it had been covered in trans flags and people spreading their love and…

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Student-run production mixes comedy, tragedy in memorable performance

URI Theatre addressed the different ways abuse can present itself with “Exit, Pursued by a Bear.”  PHOTO CREDIT: Greg Clark What do you get when you put together Jimmy Carter quotes, karaoke, Susan Boyle, bottles of honey, numerous fourth wall breaks and an entirely student-run production? Apparently, lots of laughter. “Exit, Pursued By a Bear”…

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Rewind, Rewatch, Review: ‘Pocahontas’ remains problematic

Disney’s 1995 animated film “Pochahontas” is a problematic depiction of Native American culture and history. PHOTO CREDIT: disney.com This Native American Heritage Month, I decided to revisit my unfortunate first introduction to Native American heritage and culture––Disney’s 1995 animated film, “Pocahontas.”I don’t think I’m alone in saying that, as someone not of Native American descent,…

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What we need to talk about before praising ‘In The Heights’

Photo credit: Entertainment Weekly “I’m simply saying, can’t you just wait a while and leave it alone?” Rita Moreno asked on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” when talking about the lack of Afro-Latino representation in the newly-released “In The Heights” film adaptation. No Moreno, we can’t. Now a household name, thanks to the success…

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First ever SexFest kicks off with ‘Porn Day’

Student presentation looks at queer issues in porn Gender & Sexuality Center’s first-ever SexFest holds conversation to promote a more positive culture about sex and sexuality. Before starting her presentation, first-year transfer student Katie Riedy gave the small group in attendance a warning that it would include explicit pornographic images and invited anyone who might…

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