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News you should know

On Saturday, a chemical attack by the Syrian government is believed to have killed approximately 40 people. It is believed that the Syrian Air Force dropped chemical bombs over Douma. A rebel group that opposes the Syrian government is located in Douma and have not given in to the Syrian government. A stall in negotiations…

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Senate report 4/11

During the Student Senate meeting Wednesday, a bill was passed by Finance Chair Samantha King proposing that $1,500 be granted to University of Rhode Island’s Sustainability Summit to cover the costs of events they plan to put on. Executive board elections also took place, with seven open positions. The first position was Campus Affairs Committee…

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Have no fear, a job is near

With graduation just around the corner for the class of 2018, future graduates may wonder what their options for employment after obtaining their diploma. Kim Stack, director of the Center for Career and Experiential Education, thinks that opportunities for recent grads have increased in the past few years. “Everything shows us that unemployment rates have…

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Student Senate Report: 3/28

Student Senate discussed the recognition status of three groups on Wednesday night. The first organization was the Student Organization Leadership Consultants (SOLC), secondly the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and lastly The Good Five Cent Cigar. Senate also voted on the budgeting of all organizations on campus.   SOLC is an organization on campus that…

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