Taricani Lecture Series discusses journalism, First Amendment rights post-election

Journalists Dyana Koelsch, Katie Davis, M. Charles Bakst, Parker Gavigan and Dan Barry discussed the First Amendment at the Taricani Lecture Series. Photo from uri.edu Several established journalists discuss the media’s role in the recent presidential election during the third installment of the Taricani Lecture Series for First Amendment Rights Tuesday night. Hosted by the…

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Administration ‘pleasantly surprised’ with successful on-campus semester

Health Services prepares for potential vaccine in the future As the University of Rhode Island nears the end of its goal to hold classes in-person until Thanksgiving, administrators reflected on how they reached this point and how the next semester will proceed if a COVID-19 vaccine becomes widely available. Regarding this semester’s success, Director of…

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Faculty Senate approves Africana studies program as official University department

Students participating in an Africana studies event. Photos from uri.edu. Following a unanimous vote from the Faculty Senate and approval from the Board of Trustees, the University of Rhode Island’s Africana studies program (AAF) is now officially a department. They reached this status, along with the gender and women’s studies program (GWS), last week. As…

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New social justice, civic responsibilities minor to launch this spring

Students with civic interest can minor in social justice starting next spring. Graphic by Elizabeth Wong. The University of Rhode Island will offer a new 18-credit minor in social justice and civic responsibilities beginning this spring, featuring a curriculum that spans 68 courses, 22 departments and four different colleges. Judy Van Wyk, associate professor of…

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Student organizations react to presidential election outcomes

Joe Biden celebrates his new position as the President of the United States. Photo from nbcnews.com. On Saturday, Nov. 7, the majority of media outlets called the 2020 United States presidential race, naming Joseph Biden president-elect and Kamala Harris vice president-elect.  The highly contested and publicized race has been met with mixed reactions from the…

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Rhode Island votes to remove “Providence Plantations” from state name

Eligible voters in Rhode Island had the opportunity to vote on changing the official state name. Graphic by Elizabeth Wong. On Nov. 3, Rhode Islanders voted to remove “Providence Plantations” from Rhode Island’s official state name amid a nationwide reckoning on racial injustice. The resolution was placed on this year’s ballot after Gov. Gina Raimondo…

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Greek life promotes mental health awareness through MIGHT Week

Greek Life created MIGHT week to help mental health awareness among students. Graphic by Elizabeth Wong. University of Rhode Island Greek life promoted mental health awareness virtually with Mental Health Gets Heard Today (MIGHT) Week this year starting Nov. 1. This week-long initiative was used to promote wellness practices and activities to URI students part…

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Honors Colloquium discusses how academia must reshape the understanding of intelligence

Filmmaker Dan Habib addressed the importance of creating unconditionally inclusive environments for students with intellectual disabilities, during Tuesday’s Honors Colloquium. Habib’s lecture contributed to this year’s colloquium series entitled “Challenging Expectations: Disability in the 21st Century.” Habib is a filmmaker and project director at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability. He has pioneered…

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University expands virtual international education options

URI students during Carnival in Italy (above) and Interlaken, Switzerland (below) during their study abroad experiences. Photos contributed by Caroline Joncas. With COVID-19 prohibiting University-supported international travel, the University of Rhode Island’s Office of International Education will begin offering online study abroad opportunities for students next semester.  On Oct. 1, the Office of International Education…

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