Time to put on your tin-foil hats

Photos by Autumn Walter |CIGAR| Samuel Murray found himself at Conspiracy Theory Night hosted by URI’s Debate Union. Kyrie Irving of the Boston Celtics made headlines last year when he went on the “Road Trippin” podcast and claimed he believed the Earth was flat. This statement sparked debates across social media and brought the “Flat Earth…

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Opiod research seminar

“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional,” a quote by American author M. Kathleen Casey Roughly a 100 years ago, physicians considered pain as essential for healing. Recently, pain has become recognized in the healthcare system and is now focused on when managing or curing disease. Generally, over 50 million Americans suffer from chronic pain, according…

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History of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is famously known as a day to celebrate those you love. It’s a day where most exchange gifts of flowers, chocolate and/or sappy cards. However, what most people don’t know is that Valentine’s Day was not always this sweet and that the man it is named after made the ultimate sacrifice. The holiday…

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No, the field isn’t dying

Being a multi-media journalist in a time of change Photo courtesy of Jessica Pace| CIGAR | Jessica Pace interned with Channel 12 News over the summer of 2017 Life as a student multimedia journalist; where do I begin? As a kid, I always looked forward to watching my local news station every sunday with my dad….

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Rhodyscopes 2/8

Aquarius Jan 20th – Feb 19th Listen, kid. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that test you were studying for? You are going to bomb it. Like 50 percent or below. But, suck it up buttercup your parents are going to deposit $20 into your bank account. Pisces Feb 19th – March 21st…

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Welcome to the new Cigar

Photo by Abigail Clarkin Getting the proverbial keys to the Good Five Cent Cigar was pretty daunting. Here I am, a junior writing & rhetoric and English major, who now has control of 47-year-old newspaper. Needless to say, I felt very unqualified and unfit for this position. But after a month of throwing away failed…

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