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Student Senate 11/28/18

At this week’s meeting of the University of Rhode Island’s Student Senate, several representatives were elected and the bill calling for the annual re-recognition of student organizations was passed. Student Senate President Adriana Wilding presented a tuition increase of 2.8 percent for in-state students and 2.5 percent for out-of-state students approved for fiscal year 2020…

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News You Should Know

Local News: Convicted child rapist, Richard Gardner, was released from prison again last week after few weeks for allegedly using the wrong address on an official document. WJAR reported that he was released due to a judge finding him not in violation of his probation. It was also reported that neighbors responded harshly to a…

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This week in the Cigar’s history

Thursday, Dec. 4, 1980 Headline: URI lifts suspension on non-immunized women Twenty-six female students ignored the law that required them to receive an immunization that would prevent contractions of German Measles. The University stated that they would not pursue the females still unvaccinated. Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs at the time, Thomas R. Pezzullo,…

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