URI VOTES receives $700,000 to study impact of COVID-19 on 2020 election cycle

 URI Votes participants (left to right) James Houghton, Gretchen Macht, Tim Jonas, and Nicholas Bernardo, received a research grant for the coming elections. The University of Rhode Island Voter OperaTions and Election Systems (VOTES) project recently received three grants totaling $700,000 to research how COVID-19 will affect the upcoming election. The program, led by assistant…

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Wear your mask, please!

What masks are best from a medical expert  Wearing masks is an important part of fighting the coronavirus pandemic, however, the debate over which masks are best to wear continues to be discussed in America “Anyone could have the virus,” Dr. Christopher Nasin, medical director of the University of Rhode Island Health Services, said. “So…

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Title IX transforms under federal changes, affects sexual assault reporting process for students

New federal changes to Title IX policy regarding sexual assault will call for disciplinary hearings, the possibility of cross examination of the complainant and accused and will only cover cases that occur on-campus. On Aug. 14, 2020, the U.S. Department of Education implemented its new Title IX guidelines for sexual harassment. While Title IX itself…

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The show must go on…

This semester’s traditional theater shows are postponed due to the pandemic. Photo by Ethan Pellegrino. While on-stage productions have paused, the University of Rhode Island’s theatre program is innovating ways for students to continue developing their craft.  THE 322: Play Direction, a class where student-directed performances are typically presented at the end of the spring…

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