Tibetan President Speaking at URI to say “Thank You, America”

Dr. Lobsand Sangay, Tibetan president-in-exile. Photo courtesy of Thupten Tendhar. The University of Rhode Island, along with Yale University, will be visited by Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the exiled president of Tibet on his “Thank you, America” event tour. Sangay, of the Central Tibetan Administration will be coming to URI Alumni Center on Thursday, Feb. 14…

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‘Are We Gon’ Be Alright’ Event Dives Into Mental Health

Demetrius Harmon shakes hands with audience members during the lecture “We Gon’ Be Alright.” Photo by Momolu Akoiwala. The University of Rhode Island’s oldest multicultural organization, Uhuru Sasa, and the Student Entertainment Committee hosted their second annual joint lecture, “We Gon’ Be Alright,” this past Tuesday, Feb. 5. The event featured keynote speaker, Demetrius Harmon,…

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Professors’ Model Simulations Align with Deadly Volcanic Collapse

Two professors at the University of Rhode Island have used computer modeling to examine the deadly Anak Krakatau volcano collapse and resulting tsunami that occurred in December 2018. Steven Carey, a professor emeritus of oceanography, and Stephan Grilli, department chair and professor of ocean engineering, have used available data to simulate the collapse. The collapse…

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Students Receive Financial Aid Despite Recent Government Shutdown

The University of Rhode Island has reassured that despite the government shutdown over winter break, students will still receive their financial aid. Carnell Jones, the director of Enrollment Services, said that URI has been understanding for incoming students for the spring 2019 semester that have had processing issues. The main issue concerned IRS transcripts which…

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