Tennis Coach Indicted For Taking $2.7 Million of Bribes in Admission Scandal

Gordon Ernst has been placed on administrative leave following the recent admissions scandals that have hit the nation. Photo courtesy of GoRhody. University of Rhode Island’s women’s tennis coach, Gordon Ernst, was indicted this past week in a national college admission scandal for accepting over $2.7 million of bribes. Ernst allegedly took the bribes as…

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Anti-Vaxxers Movement Does Not Threaten URI

Although the anti-vaxxers movement has become increasingly problematic across the nation, the University of Rhode Island has taken many precautions to ensure that students are protected from preventable infections. Nationwide, the anti-vaxxers movement has resulted in a comeback of some previously eradicated diseases, such as measles and tetanus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently…

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Does Summer Orientation Advising Lead to Mistakes in Freshman Schedules?

Roosevelt Hall offers advising to students to fix problems originally made with their class schedule during summer orientation. Photo by Grace DeSanti. Summer orientation has been notorious among students for messing up schedules and putting students in classes that they already have credit for from high school. In terms of general education classes in the…

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