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Researchers Find Possible Link Between HIV-Positive Mothers and Risk to Their Babies

Researchers at the University of Rhode Island’s Department of Cell and Molecular Biology found concrete evidence that links lower levels of immunity in HIV-negative children with the HIV-positive status of their mothers. The work comes from the lab of Associate Professor Barbara Lohman-Payne, who has been a member of URI’s Institute for Immunology and Informatics…

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Student Senate 9/25

Two bills were passed during the University of Rhode Island’s Student Senate meeting Wednesday night.  RhodyTHON, an organization whose mission statement is “[to] raise money through peer to peer fundraising to donate to Hasbro Children’s Hospital,” was officially recognized as an organization by Student Senate.   Men’s Club Soccer was recognized by the Senate as well….

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Professors Use Technology to Expand Research on Autism

Researcher Marland Chang participates in a study for autism research. Photo contributed by Vanessa Harwood. Two University of Rhode Island professors are tracking the eye-movements and measuring brain activity of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to see how they understand and learn language.  Assistant Professors of Communicative Disorders Alisa Baron and Vanessa Harwood have…

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